Category: Uncategorized
5 Tips for Using Social Media to Care for Orphans

Here’s a re-post from Show Hope’s blog on how YOU can make a difference in the lives of orphans through social media! Have you ever wondered how you can join Show Hope in the movement to care for orphans? Just take a look online! Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest are all great ways to spread...
Club Project Ideas – Part 2

A few weeks ago, we posted three project ideas for you and your club! Here’s 3 more project ideas that you and your club can start gearing up for next semester! #4: Support an Adoptive Family- Families who are adopting have many different needs that your club can easily help meet! Whether it is...

Fun Fact: Did you know that there are lots of well-known individuals in our culture that are involved in orphan care? Check out this post from Show Hope to read more about celebs you didn’t know were in involved in orphan care! Around the world, there are so many inspiring and compassionate people who work tirelessly to restore...
Lessons from a Student Trip to Maria’s Big House of Hope

Kassie Hendrickson is a student who traveled with Show Hope on a short-term trip to Maria’s Big House of Hope in Luoyang, China. Maria’s Big House of Hope is Show Hope’s flagship Care Center that provides love and medical care to orphans with special needs. Read below as Kassie shares some important lessons she learned...
Club Project Ideas – Part 1

As we approach the half-way mark of the semester, you and your club are probably beginning to look at what projects you can be doing to make a difference in the lives of orphans around the world. Here at Show Hope, we believe that students are capable of far more than most adults give...
2015 Global Trips!

We have some awesome awesome opportunities coming up for you to learn more about God’s heart for orphans and how you can make a difference on a short-term, global trip! We have two trips to China next Summer, as well as a trip to Haiti. Check out the dates below, and go to for more...
Dear Highschoolers- A Letter from a Red Bus Project Intern (Part 2)

Nothing speaks to a student like a student. I never heard that statement until I became a Red Bus Project intern for this semester, but it is a statement that I firmly believe in. It sparked a fire in me that I didn’t know could ever be a part of who I am. In high...
Dear Highschoolers- A Letter from a Red Bus Project Intern

Dear Highschoolers, Life is so insanely amazing right now. Highschool is often the time we get to transition from the childhood identities others have created for us and begin to become the adults we long to be. College does this too, often intensely, but highschool seems to be a giddy mix of excitement and responsibility...

Today on Show Hope’s blog, they’ve given us 3 easy ways to get involved in orphan care! Check it out: “…Not everyone is called to adopt, but everyone can do something. Regardless of your resources, the power of your involvement could make a huge difference for waiting children in the United States and abroad....
Mary May Molitor- Why Did YOU Join the Movement?

One of the greatest things about the Movement Club, is getting to hear about students who experience orphan care first hand, and then respond with action. We asked Mary May Molitor, the Movement: Homeschool Edition in Buena Vista president, why she started a Movement Club. Here’s what she had to say: I have always...