Recently, the Movement Club blog featured five reasons to start your own club, ranging from personal growth to strengthening your friendships to enhancing your leadership abilities. Now that you know the benefits of being involved, the next step is to get equipped! Here are five important steps that will help get your Movement Club off the ground as you start raising awareness of the global orphan crisis:

Christian Academy of Knoxville 2

  1. Read the Movement Club Charter. You’ll want to begin by reading over this document! Start familiarizing yourself with the mission and vision of the Movement Club as well as the mission of Show Hope. The Charter does a great job of outlining what clubs do and how they got started, in addition to detailing their core values and the guidelines you will be expected to follow.
  2. Invite friends to join you. Once you have a better understanding of the purpose and vision of the Movement Club, begin to share this information with your friends and invite them to help you make a difference! The greater the number of people who get involved with a club, the greater the potential to have a positive influence in the lives of orphans.
  3. Fill out the Movement Agreement Packet. This paperwork is necessary in making your club official. First, you’ll need to find a few key people to assist you with your group — a parent, your principal, and a sponsor — and have them sign the necessary paperwork. Your friends will have an opportunity to sign here, as well, confirming they are on board and ready to advocate for vulnerable children around the world.
  4. Complete the online application. By filling in this information, you will solidify your school as the site of your brand new Movement Club, and yourself as the club leader! To finalize everything, you will also email the finished “Agreement Packet” from Step 3 to Kay at
  5. Get planning. For your Movement Club to be successful, you’ll want to plan ahead. Each semester, your group will hold a minimum of six meetings and participate in at least one approved service project. It’s never too early to begin brainstorming future projects and start scheduling meeting times!


If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact us here, and good luck as you take these small steps toward making a big impact!