Today on Show Hope’s blog,  advocate Rachel Harvey, is spotlighted as she describes how she trained and completed the Walt Disney World Marathon for Show Hope! It was a challenging race, but in God’s strength, she was able to finish all 26.2 miles.



While adoption has always been on our hearts, my husband and I know that it’s not the right time for us. However, we strongly believe that everyone is called to care for orphans! In the fall of 2011, we heard God’s calling to join Show Hope as monthly sponsors. In 2012, I went to China with a Show Hope Sponsor Team, again following God’s leading. Then, in 2013, I fell in love with running.rachelblog2


I ran two half marathons in 2013 and was slated to run five more in 2014. Our family had been planning a trip to Walt Disney World for January 2015, during the Disney marathon. While planning out my race calendar for 2014, I heard God calling me to run, not just for myself, but to run for His Glory and for His purpose. Again, I knew it was not OUR time to adopt just yet, but it was SOMEONE’S time and I could use running as a platform to raise money for an adoption grant for someone else!

I had never dreamed of running a full marathon. In fact, a half marathon was on my bucket list, and I was so thrilled to have completed that much. But, for some reason, God was calling me to step out of my comfort zone and rely on Him. He opened the doors for me to register and train for the Walt Disney Marathon that would take place on January 11, 2015…


To read the rest of Rachel’s story, head over to the Show Hope blog!
